Remove spam E-Mails Automatically from G-mail Account

Today G-mail takes a prominent place in mailing service.This Provides its latest feature frequently one of its features is Removing Spam mails Automatically

Before that all.. Let us see
What is Spam-Spam is a mail that carry virus Like Trojan Horse which is usually used to traces your Confidential information and Password with online Banking Transaction which is used by Hackers(Computer Experts)

So its really necessary to removed these spams from your E-mail Account in G-mail

Follow this method

Step 1 Log into your G-Mails A/C Go to Gmail Settings

Step 2 Then in filter Windows. Select a Create a New Filter

Step 3 in the appearing windows in the "Has the words" box type "in:spam;

step 4 Click on the Create Filter with this search and Click OK

Step 5 Tick Delete it and tick Also Apply filter to matching conversion in the appearing windows Then Click Create filter
