Fat burning is a way of losing excess fat by consuming healthy food

1.Green tea-Fires up fat burning.Green tea is packed with powerful anti-oxidants and contains a compound epigallocatechin gallate that is known to prevent serious health problems. Green tea fires up the body's metabolism thus, aiding the body to burn more calories.
2. Different Peppers
They are not only used to add color and flavor to your dishes, peppers are also excellent fat burning foods. They help elevate your metabolism and heart rate. This means that your body is burning more calories than it normally does. Studies say that eating jalapeƱo peppers is same as having one quick session on the treadmill.
3.Spinach and green vegetables
Fight free radicals and improve recovery for better muscle building
4.Whole grains ( brown rice, whole grain cereal)
Small doses prevent body from storing fat
5.Beans and legumes
Build muscle, help burn fat, regulate digestion
6.Whey- Builds muscle, burns fat ,Muscle recovery after workouts
7.Nuts-Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc. are actually quite healthy as they are packed with vitamins, fibre, protein, minerals and monounsaturated fats that help in controlling blood sugar levels and aiding fat loss. Eat them in moderation.Build muscle, reduce cravings
8.Dairy products (fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese)
Build strong bones, fire up weight loss.Yogurt is rich in protein, calcium, zinc and riboflavin. It is low in fat and a cup of yogurt contains only 120 calories. You can replace creams and whole milk with yogurt in some recipes.

9.Eggs-Build muscle, burn fat.Rich Source of Protein

10.Turkey and other lean meats Like Chicken: Chicken is a lean meat which has ample quantities of protein, iron, niacin and zinc. Total calories of cooked chicken is 245. You can add BBQ chicken or grilled chicken in your daily diet because it is filling and healthy. Remove the skin of the chicken before cooking it. There are many chicken recipes that can be dished out as low-fat food.
11.Berries-Berries in the form of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc. are a good source of natural dietary fibre that is known to lower down the rate of carbohydrate absorption in the body. They prevent the insulin levels in the body to rise, which are known to cause storage of fat in the body.
Improve satiety, prevent cravings
12.Enova oil (soy and canola oil)and Olive Oil
Promotes fullness, not easily stored as fat
13.Peanut butter -Boosts testosterone (a good thing even in women), builds muscle, burns fat
14.Fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, mackerel)
Trigger fullness, fire up fat burning
15.Grapefruit-Grapefruit is high in vitamin C and potassium. It also contains pectin that helps to reduce cholesterol in the bloodstream. A medium-sized grapefruit has 75 calories. Grapefruit helps in burning fat because it contains galalacturonic acid.
16.Oatmeal-Making oatmeal a regular part of your diet is beneficial because they are loaded with soluble fibre that results in a slower energy release in the body. Because of this process, the metabolism in the body runs at a steady pace which is perfect for losing fat.
17.Onion: A cup of raw onion has 60 calories and helps in lowering cholesterol.
18.Figs: Figs are rich in fiber and low in calories. Adding figs to the daily diet gives a feeling of fullness and prevents you from overeating.
