Facts about Universe:

1- When you look into the night sky, you are looking back in time because those stars are too far.

2- The Hubble telescope allows us to look back billions of years into the past. It is made by NASA.

3- There’s a giant cloud of alcohol in Sagittarius B. 463,000,000,000 kilometres in diameter and, amazingly, it contains 10-billion-billion-billion litres of alcohol.

4- There’s a planet-sized diamond in Centaurus named after a Beatles song.

5- It takes 225 million years for our Sun to travel round the galaxy.

6- Our solar system’s biggest mountain is on Mars (26 KMs, 3 times of Mount Everest).

7- Uranus spins on its side, which causes 42 years of darknes and 42 years of sunlight.

8- A year on Venus is shorter than its day.

9- Neutron stars are the fastest spinning objects known in the universe (70,000 KMs per second). 
